IFRANE Private Club
es una asociacion sin animo de lucro
de auto-produccion y auto-consumo de cannabis.

Trabajamos para reducir los riesgos causado por el mercado ilegal y desarrollar estudios sobre el cannabis y sus posibles aplicaciones, culturales, cientificas y terapeuticas.
La asociacion ha creado un espacio privado, un espacio para el intercambio social y de informacion, donde los socios pueden consumir su parte proporcional del cultivo colectivo.
La asociacion trabaja en un circuito cerrado, que permite controlar la calidad de la produccion, y un consumo responsable.


The association IFRANE Private Club in Barcelona is a no-profit association of self-production and self-consumption of cannabis. We work to reduce the risks inherent in the illegal market and develop studies on cannabis and its possible cultural, scientific and therapeutic applications. The association has created a private place, a place for social exchanges and information where they can consume their share of collective farming. The association works in closed circuit which allows to control both the quality of production and responsible consumption.

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